GABA bike swap looking for volunteers
GABA is looking for volunteers for the fall bike swap, which will be held on Nov. 13, 2010. Here are the details I received from GABA bike swap coordinator, Greg…
Tucson's two-wheeled news source
GABA is looking for volunteers for the fall bike swap, which will be held on Nov. 13, 2010. Here are the details I received from GABA bike swap coordinator, Greg…
Cyclovia Tucson’s director Daniela Diamente answers questions about the 2011 event, which has a new route heading through South Tucson and will be a month earlier this year, March 27:…
One thing is clear: cyclists, neighbors in the San Antonio neighborhood and Pima County officials all say they are committed to rebuilding a BMX park that will be bulldozed to…
There is an inverse relationship between the temperature and the number of trips and miles I’ve ridden with my daughter Lucilia. Mix in a mother who is getting slightly more…
The only thing that made the cut from Sarah Zidonik’s old bike when she moved from Gainesville, Florida to Tucson, was the milk crate. Zidonik said she wanted to move…
I received and email from a reader about Mountain Lion activity in Sabino Canyon. Here is his note: Hello, I’m a local Tucson cyclist that rides often in Sabino Canyon…
Nearly 100 residents, cyclists and city officials met Thursday night for an open house to discuss the proposed bike boulevards along the Grant Road corridor. The bike boulevard routes would…
The Tucson Police Department wrapped up their month-long bicycle and pedestrian safety campaign, but additional funds from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety will allow them to continue the campaign…
Some local middle school students may soon get a dose of driver’s ed on two wheels. A new program, backed by an $850,000 transportation stimulus grant, will bring bicycles, helmets…
Soon cyclists like Andy Suter won’t have to choose between riding in the dirt and hugging the painted line separating the bike lane and the car lane on Anklam Road.…
View inadequate bike parking in a larger map I wrote a while back about the inadequate bicycle parking at the El Con movie theater. I also posted a piece last…
Post any interesting links you find in the comment section. What a Congestion Charge Could Mean for Cycling With an assist, e-cycles could boost ridership Tempe looks for next Bike…