Welcome to Bicycle Tucson’s stolen bike listing. Bike thieves stink and Tucson has its share of them. According to the Tucson Police Department, more than 600 bikes were reported stolen in 2009.
We’ve partnered with BikeIndex.org to assist Tucson and surrounding areas in the fight against bike thieves.
From this page you can report your bike stolen or pre-register your bike through BikeIndex.org. New stolen listings are displayed on the listing page, automatically posted to Twitter and uploaded to stolen.bikeindex.org, a global clearinghouse for stolen bike data.
Want to help us fight bike theft?
- You can register your bike – before it is ever stolen – with BikeIndex.org
- Learn how to best prevent theft
- Browse local stolen bikes below, and help us get stolen bikes back to their owners
There are things you can do to make sure you get your bike back if it is ever stolen.
- List your stolen bike with stolen.bikeindex.org
- File a police report
- Follow & retweet @stolenbikestuc
- Use the stolen bike twitterbot @isitstolen
If your bike is stolen here in Tucson, here are steps to follow to give yourself a shot at getting it back.
1. File a police report!
2. List your bike as stolen using the form below. It works best if you have your serial number, so be sure to write it down when you get your bike. Some local shops will keep a record of the serial number for you. Check with the shop where you bought your bike to see if they have a record of it.
3. Print flyers about the stolen bike and take them to local bike shops and BICAS.
4. Check local pawn shops to see if your bike shows up there.
5. Watch the Phoenix and Tucson Craigslist postings. Many Tucson bikes are taken to Phoenix where it is easier to sell them without being caught.
6. Head to the Tanque Verde Swap Meet to check for your bike.
Check out this example of how a Tucsonan got his bike back by following many of the same steps.
[…] Stolen Bikes […]
[…] Stolen Bikes […]
It is well known that many of the bikes stolen from Tucson end up in Phoenix and Flag. The bikes stolen from those places end up in other cities. Police cannot be bothered by these guys, but I have seen them frequently in the West University area with bolt cutters clearly protruding from their packs.
Bikes are moved around. It doesn’t help to have your bike registered in only one place. Rather, register the bike on a global bike database such as BikeRevolution.org. The registration follows you, rather than you follow it. And it’s free. To register, list a stolen bike, report a crime and send out stolen bike alerts. http://www.bikerevolution.org