
There are plenty of awesome events this weekend including a bike camping trip and Bookman’s Spring Ride, but the Mama’s Bike Ride is worth taking a look at if you are interested in riding with your family.

Here’s the description of the event:

A fun, easy ride for mamas (and other parents and wannabe parents) to get to know other mamas and their hauling bikes and cargo! Whether you’re an experienced bike mama or a newbie with a bunch of questions about safety, gear, routes, etc., we’d love you to join the fun on this ~5 mile/two playground ride.

We’ll meet at the co-op and depart for a playground, have some fun, and then return to Catalina Park splash pad for picnic and water fun. Bring your food, water, sunscreen, hats and helmets.

There may even be loaner trailers and set-ups; get in touch if you have one to lend or need one to borrow.

Event organizers say papa’s are certainly welcome to join in on the fun.

One thought on “Saturday: Mamas (and Papas) family cargo bike ride”
  1. A real shame no one bothered to schedule any of these in advance, nor even ~look~ at the calendar when scheduling, so we can have two weeks of bike month with next to no rides (sorry I’m not counting commercial stuff), and the other two weeks with them all on top of eachother so we have to miss a bunch…

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