Want to tow your kids around on a bike, or know someone who does? Want to check out various alternatives to haul your children around?
If so, join our Biking with Kids event on Sunday Oct. 30, 9 a.m. at Brandi Fenton Memorial Park.
The event, which is a partnership between Tucson Velo, Living Streets Alliance, BICAS, Tucson Bicycle Belles and TucsonMama.com, will be geared toward families who want to start riding with their kids or check out alternative kid-hauling setups.
Everyday family bicycling commuters will be on hand to share their setups, answer questions and talk about the tips and tricks they’ve learned to make cycling with children an everyday activity.
Family cyclists can also help you choose and map the safest, low-stress bike routes to get you from your neighborhood to the places you need to go
BICAS will provide repair services to help fix up participants bikes.
Bring the kids and let them play in the park and enjoy free snacks from Living Streets Alliance.
After the demonstration, those ready to ride can join a slow ride from the park to the St. Phillips Farmers Market.
We are likely preaching to the choir here, but if you know of any families who are interested in riding, please pass this post along to them. You can also download the flier here.
If you plan to attend, you can RSVP on the Facebook event here.