
Following up on the success of the Yetman Wash reroute in Tucson Mountain Park, Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists have plans for a new six-eight mile loop in the park.

The new single track that allows mountain bikers and hikers to avoid the old Yetman Wash has been met with so much enthusiasm, SDMB decided to keep going.

The new singletrack trail will branch off from the four way and keep trail users out of the basin and off the double track all the way over to Starr Pass.

In order to help fund the trail work and environmental surveys, SDMB is hosting its second “Pint Night” and Borderlands Brewery.

The event will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 12 from 6 -10 p.m. and for $20 you’ll get a SDMB pint glass and have it filled twice.

RSVP and get more info here.

Check out this conceptual map of where the new single track will go.



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