After eight months of competition, Tucson was named the number one city for everyday biking by the national advocacy organization People for Bikes and Living Streets Alliance wants to celebrate on Tuesday.
Tucson and Memphis battled for the title during the entire eight months of counting, but the November bicycles and beard count pushed Tucson over the edge.
Here’s a snippet from the announcement:
December is here, and with it the end of our eight-month search for the best U.S. city for “everyday biking.” “Everyday biking” is casual, utilitarian trips around town, and is a term we decided on thanks to input from our supporters. Once a month, since April, we’ve been sending advocates out to the streets to count people on bikes for one hour (4:30 – 5:30 PM to be specific). Each month they counted something different: racks, cargo bikes, skirts/dresses, kits, kids, office attire and costumes.
We averaged the Aggregate Awesomeness from each month, giving cities a zero if they were unable to participate in a particular month. It’s worth noting that in many cases these zeros are indicative not of lack of participation, but of too much bike activity going on. Each month we were told that counting was impossible for some cities because there were other bike events taking place—from open meetings to festivals to group rides. After making and double-checking our calculations, we are officially able to declare a winner. Congratulations to Tucson, the best U.S. city for “everyday biking!”
Tucson’s own advocacy organization Living Streets Alliance organized the counts and wants to celebrate Tucson’s big win on Tuesday from 5 – 7 p.m. at Tap and Bottle. Check out the event more details.