The newly formed Living Streets Alliance is hosting their first family-friendly ride Saturday at 10 a.m. It will leave from the Children’s Museum at 10 a.m. Saturday and head to the Reid Park Zoo.
Here is a Q&A with alliance member Kylie Walzak who is helping organize the event.
How long is the ride?
The ride will be leaving from the front lawn of the Tucson Children’s Museum at 10 a.m. and will head toward Reid Park. According to the Google Maps “Bike There” feature, the route is approximately 4.7 miles one way, so it will be about a ten mile round trip loop because we plan on returning along 3rd Street. We have about 2 hours scheduled for the ride.
Will the ride be on low-stress bikeways?
Definitely. The purpose of this and all subsequent Living Streets Alliance Family Fun Rides is to showcase Tucson’s low-stress bikeways. For example, Saturday’s route will wind through the Rattlesnake and Basket bridges, the Aviation bikeway, the Arroyo Chico wash, and return along the 3rd Street bike route.
In addition we will have a mobile bike repair kit to assist in any flat fixing or address most other bike problems we might have along the way. The Pima County Bicycle and Pedestrian Program has provided three Bicycle Ambassadors to assist the riders and to scope out the route ensuring a safe riding experience.
What is the goal of the ride?
Our goal is mainly to show families how to get to the Reid Park on their bikes through low-stress bike paths so they can recreate the experience with their friends and families in the future. We hope this and future rides will show families how to get places safely — by bicycle — with their kids in tow.
How long will you all stay at Reid Park?
Once we arrive at the park we’ll have a snack and rest for a bit then return towards the Children’s Museum along the 3rd Street bike route. We plan on spending about 15 minutes at Reid Park, but our stay and our ride is weather-dependent. It could be more or less depending on how we feel and what the weather does.
Will you lead people back to the start?
Yes. The bike ride will end at the Children’s Museum so that families who may have driven to the start will be able to leave their vehicles parked there.
Any other details about the ride?
If you are heading out for the ride we want to remind everyone it is city law that children under 18 wear a helmet while riding a bike. Also, the weather is predicted to be a little wacky so be sure to dress in layers to stay comfortably warm or cool along the way. We hope to see a big, family-friendly ride out there on Saturday — including you, Luci, and Irene, Mike!
When will LSA host an event for individuals?
How many turned out for the ride?
I wanted to go, but I had to fix a broken pipe.
Did you go, Michael?
It was a very pleasant day for a ride. About 20 adults and 6-8 youngsters….Mike and Luci included.