Another day and another couple of photos of vehicles parking in bike infrastructure.
The first is a Century Link vehicle making it impossible to use the Bike Hawk at Swan and Third Street.

The second is of a Pima County Sheriff’s patrol car blocking the separated bike lane on Stone Avenue.
If you come across a blocked bike lane send us a photo to add to archives.
If you’re having close calls with motorists, which includes parking issues such as what Mike illustrates here, a Tucson-based group is collecting reports from Arizona and the rest of the US. Part of their incident reporting includes “vehicle present in bike lane.”
So what’s the deal when vehicles park in a bike path? I was riding my bike north on Mountain Avenue last week toward the Rillito River trail and a plumbing business had one of their large commercial vans parked smack dab in the Mountain Ave. bike path. I was forced out into the travel lane. The route is marked as a bike route, but I did not see “No Parking” signs in the immediate vicinity. Is parking in the Mountain Avenue bike lane allowed?
Augsburg As far as I understand, parking in the Mountain Ave bike lane is not allowed. I’ve called TPD on cabs and delivery vehicles for that very thing.
Mountain Ave is posted with a number of signs that say “no motor vehicles in bike lane” or something to that effect.
A Tucson-based group is collecting accounts of ‘close calls’ from cyclists. The Bike Incident Report form has separate reporting for Arizona and the rest of the US, and the Arizona form contains a button for “vehicle present in bike lane.”
Reports, which many of us could probably lodge daily, can be submitted to
Joggers using the Mountain Ave bike lane yesterday. I had to swing out into the road to pass.