The city is adding the finishing touches to the Fourth Avenue/Fontana Bicycle Boulevard.

Crews are installing large bike boulevard signs at major intersections throughout the corridor.

The signage will alert motorists, pedestrians and other cyclists that the road is a bicycle boulevard.

6 thoughts on “Photo: Bike boulevard gets signs”
  1. Ha ha ha! Well the thought is nice, but with potholes, traffic and the famous death trolly tracks, there are a few obstacles for two wheels… 4th is one of the worst places in town to ride a bike.

  2. I live a couple of pedal strokes away from this bike boulevard. And here’s my first-person report:

    Even during the construction, I noticed a marked change in the behavior of drivers. Those speedsters who used to blast out of the Bronx Wash (at Linden and 4th) now have a traffic circle to contend with at Waverly. That really slows them down.

    And the quieter traffic means that Martha is no longer awakened by speeders bent on getting to Grant Road in record time.

    Now the down side: It seems as though the speeders have found other streets to pick on. One of them is my street, Seneca Street. There are residents and visitors who treat Seneca like it’s the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

    A bicycle boulevard has been proposed for Seneca, and I’m all for it. I’ve spoken to other neighbors who are just as enthusiastic as I am. What can we do to get the Seneca Street Slowdown movement underway?

  3. “What can we do to get the Seneca Street Slowdown movement underway?”

    You might try Tucson Pima BAC


    Seriously, the Grant Road construction is going to be interesting…

  4. The BAC can’t tie its own shoes. Seneca’s great. It’s my go-to route from Tucson Blvd. to Alvernon.

  5. Psibly, I, for one, am able to tie my shoes all by myself almost all the time. There’s been a lot of contention within the BAC about whether it’s better to spend what little money we have on things like bike lanes or bike boulevards. If you’re interested in weighing in on that issue, you should join the BAC! open seats available. Or if the slow process of public advisory committee meetings doesn’t suit you, become a member or volunteer with Living Streets Alliance. Or write a letter to your city councilperson asking them to support funding for bicycle boulevards and similar infrastructure. (You may already be doing all these things)

    Martha, you may want to work with your neighborhood to apply for a Neighborhood Reinvestment grant or some other grant to help pay to install traffic circles. Dunbar did this two years ago and it’s made a huge difference.

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