With the website construction dust going on around here the last two weeks, the Bicycle Tucson photo contest got away from me a little bit.

Given that I haven’t been promoting it much, I’m going to extend the deadline to Friday at 5 p.m.

We’ll start voting next week. Check out the latest images and get the contest details below.

San Carlos, Mexico. By Carolyn Maloney.
San Carlos, Mexico. By Carolyn Maloney.
The old Grey Mare has given me great service and she deserved her portrait done in such a great location. Photo by Michael Lacy
The old Grey Mare has given me great service and she deserved her portrait done in such a great location. Photo by Michael Lacy
Taken in June's Ride the Rockies. Steamboat Arrival was taken on a Grassy Knoll just before the main Steamboat RTR village.  After riding 90 miles and climbing Rabbit Ears Pass, we riders had one last little hill to climb. Photo by Michael Lacy.
Taken in June’s Ride the Rockies.
Steamboat Arrival was taken on a Grassy Knoll just before the main Steamboat RTR village. After riding 90 miles and climbing Rabbit Ears Pass, we riders had one last little hill to climb. Photo by Michael Lacy.
"Ando the Apparition" from this last weekend, shuttling runs on Aspen Draw with some buddies. Photo by Ben Elias .
“Ando the Apparition” from this last weekend, shuttling runs on Aspen Draw with some buddies. Photo by Ben Elias .
Looking into the Corner. Rincon Mountains, Arizona Trail at Camino Loma Alta by Peter Lippert.
Looking into the Corner. Rincon Mountains, Arizona Trail at Camino Loma Alta by Peter Lippert.
Planning the ride. Arizona Trail at Camino Loma Alta by Pete Lippert.
Planning the ride. Arizona Trail at Camino Loma Alta by Pete Lippert.
Chris Carls - Sunday Sunrise Spin with Son while his Sisters Sleep
Chris Carls – Sunday Sunrise Spin with Son while his Sisters Sleep
Chris Carls - Neon Cocoon
Chris Carls – Neon Cocoon

San Carlos, Mexico. By Carolyn Maloney.

Here’s how you can enter the contest:

Every reader can submit two bikey images to be included in the contest. The photos must have been taken this summer. The deadline for entry is Friday, August 22. You are welcome to submit an image and swap it out later if you take one you like better.

Starting on August 25th Bicycle Tucson readers will vote on their favorite images. The photo with the most votes will receive prizes from our sponsors.

To shake it up a little bit, this year there will be a judges award in which myself and two judges with photography backgrounds will pick the best photo. The person who wins the Judges Award will also receive a prize pack.

To submit your photos, send them to bicycletucson@gmail.com. Please provide a caption and photo credit for your photos.

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