The photo contest submissions are starting to come in with a little more regularity now. Here are the latest images submitted. You’ve got until Monday night to submit your photos. Check the details below.

This is a photo of my breakfast preparations along an abandoned railway about 40 miles west of Portland, Oregon. Photo by Harrison Smith.
A bike at the Bisbee Bicycle Brothel. Photo by Joe Kline

Graeme Hunt rides the 50 year trail. Photo by Chris Eaves.


Chris Eaves decends a rock at the 50 year trail, while Hank Rowe watches. Photo by Graeme Hunt.
Photo by Steve Gray
Photo by: Steve Gray
An example of how different the bicycle culture is in Europe: three different stores in France and Spain where bicycles are being used to sell clothes. Bikes not for sale at any of these locations. Photo by Ian Johnson.
A racer in the Old Pueblo Grand Prix. Photo by Joe Kline.
This is what passes for summer in Germany. This photo was taken by John Sellars on the way to the castle ruins at Parkstein, Germany.


Here’s how to submit your own photos into the contest and details about what you can win.

Every reader can submit two bikey images to be included in the contest. The photos must have been taken this summer. The deadline for entry is August 15. You are welcome to submit an image and swap it out later if you take one you like better.

Starting on August 16th Tucson Velo readers will vote on their favorite images. Prizes will be awarded to the top three photos.

Tucson Velo sponsors Ordinary Bike Shop, B-Line Restaurant, TriSports and Fairwheel Bike Shop are all donating gift cards.

Here is the prize list:

Ordinary Bike Shop: 1st place: $30, 2nd place: $20, 3rd place: $10

B-Line: 1st place: $25, 2nd place: $15, 3rd place: One free dessert

TriSports: $25 for each place

Fair Wheel Bike Shop: 1st place: $30, 2nd place: $20, 3rd place: $10.

To submit your photos, send them to Please provide a caption with details about your photo.

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