There are five days left to contribute to a crowd-funding campaign launched to help fund the region’s first parklet.
The parklet, which is generally a parking space or two that is turned into a public space with a park-like feel, will be built in front of Exo Coffee and Tap and Bottle on Sixth Avenue and Seventh Street.
The campaign is hoping to raise $17,000 to build the parklet. Construction is slated to start in March 2014 and finish in August 2014.
Here’s what the funding organizers say about the project:
We seek to build Tucson’s first-ever parklet in front of three businesses at 403 N. 6th Avenue (just north of downtown Tucson). The parklet will repurpose a small section of on-street parking to create a “park”-like setting in the public right-of-way. It will utilize up to three existing parking spaces (roughly 56 feet) in front of 403 N. 6th Ave.
The parklet will be designed by a licensed architect with specific experience in designing for place-making and place-building. It will create a raised “deck”, level to the adjacent sidewalk, on which planters, tables, chairs, and decorative elements will be built in. The entire deck will have a rail or similar buffer to protect it from automobile traffic, and the parklet itself will serve as a buffer between pedestrians using the sidewalk and passing automobile traffic. The location will capitalize on the shade from a large, mature mesquite tree, and provide supplemental shade structures as needed. Additionally, the design will utilize sustainable construction materials appropriate for Tucson’s arid environment and provide ample bicycle parking.
Being that parklets are public space, this project is sponsored by Living Streets Alliance, which is invested in the success of this pilot project. LSA has worked in close cooperation with Ann Chanecka, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager for the City of Tucson Department of Transportation for the past six months to ensure that this “pilot” project will work within the City’s newly-formed “Parklet Design Guidelines”. The parklet will be designed using elements inspired and tested by model parklets in cities like San Francisco
If you are interested in learning more or contributing, follow the link here.
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