More than 30 parking spaces in downtown Tucson and along fourth avenue are being eliminated, at least for one day.
Park(ing) day, a world-wide movement which takes place tomorrow, allows people and organizations to take a parking space and and create their own parks.
Jennifer Donofrio, a bike and pedestrian planner for the City of Tucson, said the day allows people to imagine other uses for space in the city.
“The point of parking day is to reclaim public space,” Donofrio said. “Space is premium. There is a finite amount of it. What are our other alternatives if we didn’t have a car in it?”
Mary Lou Ramirez, a parking supervisor at ParkWise, said so far 34 parking spaces had been reserved, but that there is still time to reserve a space.
Ramirez said as long as the space — which costs $4.50 — is paid for by 3 p.m. today you can still reserve a space.
Donofrio said there are a lot of interesting groups who reserved spaces including: Cyclovia, an artist who made a bicycle-powered butterfly and the musical group Bike-A-Stra, a group who plays bicycle parts.
Ramirez said the the people who rented the parking space have it from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., but it seems like most of the action will occur between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
PARK(ing) Day: User-Generated Urbanism from Brandon Bloch on Vimeo.

Aww, I wish I’d known about this sooner. Maybe next year. :p
I love Parking Day! Too bad I missed it because I was driving a U-Haul across Texas. Ugg.