The new bike racks installed at the Main Library in downtown Tucson have a message: READ.

The R,E,A and D racks are replacements for the bike racks that were removed in August because of  drug dealing and other problems occurring in the area of the old racks, which were outside of the children’s area of the library.

The new racks were built by local artist Troy Nieman and were installed in front of the main entrance making them visible from the library.

Here are a few photos of the installation:
photo 2


3 thoughts on “New READ bike racks installed at Main library”
  1. Red Star is pleased that a local artist was enlisted rather than generic gtm racks. Nice touch!

  2. They miss the mark in a very basic way.  They don’t function well as racks and they really only provide 4 useable spaces.  I’d take generic grim racks that didn’t mar the finish of my bicycle and offered more actual spaces for bikes.  The public art aspect of the racks is fine but I think the focus should have been on replacing what was lost.  These took how long to get created and installed?  Late June until the end of April.  This one rack process really caused me to lose faith on local government.  I’m happy for Troy and as art it’s great but the primary function of a rack hasn’t been fulfilled and the former level of function hasn’t been restored.

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