The City of Tucson launched a new survey aimed at determining the public’s priorities when it comes to biking and walking.
The survey focuses on the city’s planned network of neighborhood bikeways called bike boulevards and, yes, pavement quality is an option.
Here’s a snippet from an email about the survey:
While more Tucsonans bike and walk to work now than they did in 2000, we have not seen the same amount of growth in biking and walking as other cities. We think that this slow growth is due to limited options for Tucson’s more cautious riders, such as parents who want to bicycle with their children. The new network of residential streets will provide an alternative to riding close to motor vehicles on busy streets. We hope that a new network will inspire more biking and walking trips than ever before, especially among Tucsonans who don’t feel comfortable on busy streets.
The city’s bike and pedestrian program manager Ann Chanecka said at last night’s Tucson Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting that the survey will help her identify priorities as the network is being developed.
If you are interested, you can take the survey here.