Three roadway projects near downtown Tucson will be finished in the next few weeks and will all include bike lanes.
Anklam should be completed this morning, according to Tom Thivener, the city’s bicycle and pedestrian program manager.
Anklam is a popular route for cyclists making their way to the west side of Tucson because it is one of the only roads with continuous bike lanes under the freeway.
Toole Avenue from 5th Avenue to Stone will start on Monday and should be finished by Friday morning. Thivener said the work on all the road projects are being done at night.
The Toole Avenue repaving will reduce travel lanes to one lane in each direction in order to accommodate bike lanes in both directions.
The last project, which should start Thursday, is Congress from Grande to the Interstate. According to Thivener, the city will eliminate one eastbound lane in order to add bike lanes. The street will remain two lanes heading out of downtown.
“It will serve the neighborhoods a lot better than what is currently out there,” Thivener said. “Bicyclists will finally get their place in the road.”
Thivener said federal money is allowing the city to repave 10 corridors in the city.
“These are some of the worst roads in Tucson,” Thivener said.
Update: Here is a photo of Anklam after receiving the new pavement and bike lanes. The speed bumps are gone.
The intersection of Silverbell and St Mary’s is nice now ! Good to see this stuff getting done !
repaving toole! joy of joys! that has been a hell hole road for years and years.
Yay! The Toole improvement will make my downtown post office runs a little less hellish! This is GREAT!