When the bicycle of a student at Cavett Elementary School on Tucson’s southside was stolen, students started bringing their bikes into the hallway to keep them safe.
Unfortunately, it was deemed a fire hazard and the bikes couldn’t stay.
The students didn’t have bike locks and many of them can’t afford one so they risked having their bikes stolen.
Pam Francis, the director of the Educational Enrichment Foundation, a nonprofit organization that helps Tucson Unified School District students, was alerted to the problem.
“We always get the off-the-wall requests because people are desperate,” Francis said.
Francis is using her organization and a new website based in Tucson called Wish List Hero, which helps non-profits connect with people who have things to donate.
Francis said she thought 25 working locks would allow the students who wanted to ride to school to do so.
BICAS has agreed to replace the bicycle that was stolen and Francis said she has received six locks, but needs 19 more.
There are two ways to help. If you have a working lock that you aren’t using, you can drop it off to EEF at 3809 E. Third St.
Tucson, AZ 85716 or you can donate money to purchase locks by going to the Wish List Hero site.
Francis said the locks don’t need to be anything special, but just add a layer of security for the bicycles.