The proposed velodrome and pedestrian plans both got the greenlight by the Pima County Bond Committee on Friday to be included in the next bond, but it was just the first of many steps.
Living Streets Alliance’s Kylie Walzak said a lot will still happen before voters will see the proposals on the ballot.
“A lot can and likely will happen to our proposal over the next months,” Walzak said. “The bond advisory committee only recommends the projects that should go in the bond, and right now they still have recommended far more projects than there is funding. They still need to whittle down the package to some value between $550-650 million. Ultimately though, the County Supervisors have the last say over what goes in the package.”
In addition to whittling down the total cost, the county will have to decide if they will even ask the voters to approve the bond in 2015. The bond has been repeatedly delayed because county officials didn’t believe voters would approve the bond.
Check out Living Streets Alliance’s tweets from the meeting on Friday: