The driver accused of hitting and killing a cyclist Sunday morning has been arrested several times for driving under the influence.
Edward Gomez Nava, was arrested Sunday in the crash that killed Albert Eugene Brack, who was riding his bike in the bike lane on Escalante Road on Tucson’s east side Sunday morning.
According to the press release, the Tucson Police Department is investigating whether alcohol was a factor in the crash.
Court records indicate that Nava, 48, has been in trouble with the law several times before.
Some of those include:
Nava was cited for a DUI in 1987 and in 2005 he pleaded guilty to extreme DUI, which is a blood alcohol level of .15 or higher.
Additionally, Nava pleaded guilty in what appears to be an unrelated 2005 incident in which he left the scene of an accident three months prior to the extreme DUI.
The court records also indicate he was arrested for several trespassing incidents and one case of sexual solicitation.
Nava was charged with one count each of 2nd Degree Murder, Leaving the Scene of a Fatal Collision, and Criminal Damage in the crash on Sunday.
According to county jail records, Nava is being held on a $75,000 bond.
“Bond set at $75,000 for Tucson driver charged with killing cyclist”