The 2012 Regional Bike and Pedestrian Count wrapped up Thursday evening at 6 p.m.
This year’s count marked the fifth year the count has taken place and has expanded considerably since it started. It now includes more locations as well as pedestrians.
I’m always pleased when I get counted during the bike/ped count.
This year I was counted four times Three times as a bicyclist with Luci onboard the CETMA and once as a pedestrian with Truman.
I got counted at Mountain and Helen in the morning, Mountain and Blacklidge in the evening and Park and University this morning. Truman and I were counted as pedestrians during a walk along the Rillito at Mountain Avenue.
I stopped and spoke to the Tucson Bicycle Advisory Committee member David Bachman-Williams and City of Tucson bike and pedestrian program manager Ann Chanecka for a few minutes at their Park and University counting location.
They said annecdotally it seemed like there were less people riding through the area. It’s not a surprise because the streetcar construction has really thrown off people’s bike commutes.
Mountain Avenue and Second Street is closed, which has the potential to throw off the count at Mountain and Helen, which is typically one of the highest count locations.
Did you get counted this year? Were you a counter? Did you notice anything different?
Leave a comment and let us know.
I got counted twice, once with Finn on the back of my Yuba.
I was counted at the Third Street Bikeway and Swan intersection late yesterday afternoon. The counter told me she was keeping track of cyclist wearing helmets also
I got counted once at the river path and Mountain last Sunday. I counted two locations one of which was way off from what it had been 2 years ago. The county courthouse construction and lane closures had a major major impact in the numbers. Both bicyclists and pedestrians.
I got counted at 6th St & Highland yesterday and at Park & University with my wife this morning. I counted at 6th St. & Park earlier this week and had probably twice as many peds as bikes – also saw several near car/bike collisions at this weird intersection – bikes don’t quite know where to go from the porkchop island. Also saw numerous cars ignoring the force left turn and one near car/car collission because of it.
My nose wasn’t counted at all.
I was counted at least a couple of times at Park and University, on my bike and on foot.
I got counted on rollerblades, I got counted on a mountain board, I got counted on a razor scooter, I got counted on a pogo stick, and believe it or not I actually got counted on an old fashioned railroad handcar.