Check out the images by photographer Chris Hinkle at the Tucson Velo photo booth yesterday.

To see more images at one time, click the thumbnail icon on the lower menu bar.

Chris is charging a really low $2 per digital download. Prices for prints very on the size depending on what size you want.

Thanks so much to Chris is for spending the morning and afternoon taking photos rather than riding the route and thanks to the volunteers who helped make the photo booth work.

If you are new to the site, please poke around and check back tomorrow for a post about riding safely around Tucson.

Cyclovia Tucson 2011 – Images by Chris Hinkle

One thought on “Cyclovia Tucson photo booth images”
  1. You should ask Chris if he would be willing to do free downloads on the pictures with his watermark. This would be free advertising for him and then people who wanted the pictures without the watermark could pay. This is assuming the paid ones come without his watermark on the picture.

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