After a five year hiatus, Cyclocross racing is returning to the Old Pueblo on Sunday.
With cross racing growing in popularity, race promoters Dan Maher and Chris Ramsey decided it was time Tucson had its own race.
Maher said the race, which has several categories and starts 9 a.m. at Quincie Douglas Park, is part of the AZ Cross Series — a series of cross races held in Phoenix for the last five years.
Cyclocross races generally feature laps around a short course on various types of surfaces including, grass, sand and pavement. The courses also include obstacles like hay bales requiring riders to dismount and jump over them with their bikes.
Maher said the last cross race in Tucson was held in 2006 and since then no one has tried to organize one here.
“Chris Ramsey and myself really, really wanted to have an event here so we kind of took it upon ourselves to put one on here,” Maher said.
Maher said he hopes a lot of people come out to race or at least watch. Cross racing it generally considered one of the best events for spectators.
“I am really hopeful that it is going to take off and people are going come out and have a really good time,” he said. “Hopefully next year we’ll be able to put on more than one race down here.”
Maher said people shouldn’t let the lack of a cyclocross bike keep them from racing. Raleigh Bicycles has provided some demo bikes for people to use on a first-come, first-served basis and mountain bikes can be used too.
Online registration ends tonight at 10 p.m., but racers can also register at the event on Sunday. Check out the race website here.
What’s up with the $35 entry fee? None of the other AZCross races are more than $20.
Excited to photograph this!!!!
Any idea on rules as far as brakes go for the SS/Fixed category? Wondering if I need to toss a fork drilled for a brake on my track bike
Any idea on rules as far as brakes go for the SS/Fixed category? Wondering if I need to toss a fork drilled for a brake on my track bike
Pre-reg was $30 with race day being $35, which is more than the other AZ Cross races which are $25 with race day being $30. We have the same payout as the other AZ Cross races, but we unsure as to whether or not we would have turnout to cover our expenses. We are hopeful to see everyone come out and hope to be able to lower fees next year.
Word is you do need a brake.
Pre-reg ended on Nov 23 and then the fees went up. None of the other races end pre-reg until the Thusday before the race weekend. I payed $35 on Sunday the 27th. Certainly not a way to encourage people to participate and grow the event.
I am sorry that you feel this way and concede your point: this event is more expensive than the others. There are several reasons for this and if you would like to discuss it more in depth I would be happy to on Sunday. With that being said thank you for voting with your pocket book and coming out to race the event. We hope you are satisfied with the event we put on.