Mobile food trucks are sweeping the nation, but the fad isn’t limited to comestibles.
Now, thanks to Eric Gonnason, bicyclists are represented among the ranks of mobile vendors.
Gonnason recently launched Guido’s Guerrilla Bikes, a mobile repair station, parts and bike shop.
On the weekends he has been setting up his shop across from Brandi Fenton park at Alvernon Way and Dodge Boulevard along the Rillito River Path.
Gonnason said he wants to keep the weekdays open to go to customers’ houses or jobs to fix their bikes.
Gonnason recently retired from Raytheon where he was a long-time bike commuter and wanted to do something that encourages people to ride their bikes more and helps spread the joy and love of cycling he has with other people.
In addition to repairs, Gonnason sells parts and used bicycles that he purchases and fixes up.
He is working on having signs and a website built, but in the meantime, people interested in finding out where he is set up or having him come work on a bike can call 520-349-1086 or email him at guidosguerrillabikes@gmail.com
ISTR reading about a guy who served Stanford University’s cyclists from his repair truck. And that he’d published a “how to get into this business” guide.
get him on twitter! thats an easy great way to inform people of his location!
I wish him all the best. You gotta love free enterprise.