Post any interesting links in the comment section.
- Democratic Platform’s Scarce Words on Transportation Fail to Inspire
- World’s Top Selling Car Converted to a Bike Trailer
- Pikes Peak pilot program kicks off
- A million dollar goal for bike trip
- On Biking: Taking a ride in a bike messenger’s shoes
- Will new Transport Secretary OK ‘shovel ready’ cycle infrastructure?
- Best Magazine Cover Ever
- Deda rolls into wheel business
- Be loud, visible and polite: how to be a responsible mountain biker
- Bike Schools Turn Kids into Future Urban Cyclists in Brazil
The story “Will new Transport Secretary OK ‘shovel ready’ cycle infrastructure?” is from the UK, so not national.
OTOH, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to plant in Ray LaHood’s mind.
Turn your iPhone into a butt-mounted bike light