Stolen bike: Vintage black road frame
Make: old 1970’s ish road bike Model: [model] Color: black (chipped due to chain lock) Serial # : N/A Purchased: built myself, rims (online), chainring, chains, tires, etc purchased at…
Tucson's two-wheeled news source
Make: old 1970’s ish road bike Model: [model] Color: black (chipped due to chain lock) Serial # : N/A Purchased: built myself, rims (online), chainring, chains, tires, etc purchased at…
It’s time for another Tucson Velo summer photo contest. Last year 40 photos were submitted and readers voted on their favorite image. In the end there was a tie which…
Post any interesting links in the comment section. National An Unsettling Look at the Early Marketing of the Two-Car Household Black women ride in D.C. (and Portland too) How do…
If you thought riders in the Tour de France would be safe from motorists doing stupid things like crashing into them, you’d be wrong. I don’t normally blog about national…
This photo makes me happy. Three families, four kids, six adults, seven bikes, two trailers and zero cars. Every single one of the people you see in this photo showed…
Construction crews are working on a two block section of Tyndall Avenue near the University of Arizona that has the potential become an important connection for Tucson cyclists. Work started…
Post any interesting links in the comment section. Local A ride to remember State Trail Heads: Which city best forbiking AND walking? National Black bear attacks Florida bicyclist Working Bicycles…
I met Matt D. Halen in the bike lane on Mountain Avenue last week. Halen was returning home from a grocery trip and had gotten three flats. He was out…
Post any interesting links in the comment section. State PD: Bicyclist killed in Phoenix accident National The 2011 Seattle-to-Portland Bicycle Classic Is Under Way Bicycles for Humanity advocates hands-on approach…
Post any interesting links in the comment section. Local Portland — is it real? National Road Boondoggles Mica: “The Focus of the Bill Is on the National Highway System” Has…
A new national transportation bill released by congressional republicans earlier this week could have a dire affect on cycling in Arizona. According to a document released by congressional democrats, Arizona…
Organizers of the BICAS and El Grupo Youth Summer Bike Camp say they are thrilled with the the first session of the program and are making tweaks to ensure the…