Screen Shot 2014-06-10 at 7.25.52 AMThe City of Tucson is hiring.

The city has posted the bicycle and pedestrian planner position we wrote about in April.

The job, which is grant funded and will last two years, requires a bachelor’s degree in “Urban Planning, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering, Public Administration, Geography, Transportation Planning, Environmental 
Studies or related field.” 

It also requires one year of experience and (ironically) a valid driver’s license and a clean driving record.

The job says the city prefers a Master’s degree and experience in bicycle and pedestrian planning.

Applications are being accepted until June 16.

Here’s the job duties from the posting:

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Planner position assists the Tucson Bicycle and Pedestrian Program in meeting the goals of increasing the number of people walking or bicycling for their transportation needs and improving safety. This position develops and administers bicycle and pedestrian safety, education and enforcement programs, and promotes alternate modes of transportation through organizing the annual alternate modes promotional events, coordinating with community bicycle interest groups, maintaining media relations, and providing the public with bicycle and pedestrian specific information. 

This position requires strong communication skills and the ability to motivate workgroups involving the public and other City of Tucson employees. The selected individual must be 
able to manage multiple work assignments and meet strict deadlines. 

Some of the duties include: 

  • Facilitate the advancement and effectiveness of federally funded bicycle and pedestrian projects and programs.
  • Coordinate with public agencies, consultants and City staff to develop media messages, reports, presentations and other documents related to bicycle and pedestrian safety.
  • Identify and facilitate implementation of bicycle and pedestrian projects.
  • Serve as a primary and/or support staff liaison to the Pedestrian Advisory Committee and/or the Bicycle Advisory Committee.
  • Assist with the planning and implementation of a public bike share program.
  • Help coordinate stakeholder meetings and organize public outreach and input processes.
  • Assist with planning and development of different bicycle/pedestrian related events, such as Cyclovia Tucson, Bike to Work Day, Crosswalk enforcement programs etc.
  • Assist with the Bike/Pedestrian Program’s website redevelopment.
  • Assist the Bike/Pedestrian Coordinator with the oversight of a new Safe Routes to School program.
  • Assist with an application to the League of American Bicyclists for the City of Tucson to receive platinum level recognition.

If you are you know someone who might be interested. You can apply here.


One thought on “City of Tucson posts second bicycle and pedestrian planner job”
  1. Urgh. You aren’t allowed to be part of the planning process for bicyclists and pedestrians unless you have a driver’s license? That is annoying.

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