This LA motorist who hit cyclist threatens everyone who sticks around at the scene.
Post any interesting links in the comment section.
- At the Courthouse: Man who struck motorized bicycle rider gets 6 years
- Launch “The Loop” on Oct. 22nd
- Dinner (and bikes) are served: The tour begins
- Dinner and Bikes Tour comes to Tucson on September 15
- SFMTA Tries New Bike Lane Treatments to Keep Cyclists Clear of Door Zone
- How bicycle cops secure their bikes
- Biking for beer: Ex-Chico resident returns home on cycle for Beer Camp
- The bicycle wins in David Chiu’s downtown SF transportation race
- 2012: Breakthrough for Bicycle Electronics?
- In Alaska, we don’t need no stinkin’ bikes. Or do we?
- Packers bike to practice with fans in unique tradition
- Women, Bikes, and Business in Portland
- Colorado towns measure impact of bike race
- Victoria the nation’s top bicycle state
- Commute in a cycle of change
- Last Tour de France Doping Tests Negative
- Schoolgirl tried to fight off bike thieves
- How electric bikes got sexy
So this video goes on for 9 minutes, a person has been hurt, and no police show up. That seems to be the pattern with police. They show up with helicopters if there is an underage drinking party somewhere, but when it actually matters, they’re a no show.