Pima Association of Governments’ planner Ann Chanecka is looking for more bike-count volunteers.
Counters will be stationed at 100 different locations throughout the region. Download the map to see where counters are still needed.The map will likely change over the course of the next few days as more counters are added.
The first of two training sessions is tonight at 6 p.m. at the Ward VI office located at 3201 E. First St.
Download the flier for more information or contact Ann Chanecka (792-1093) at if you have questions or want to volunteer.
never mind…
Ha, I was just going to respond.
I did it last year and I would do it again but I can’t make either of the training sessions.
You should call Ann and see if you can do it anyway.
Why is everyone on the UofA? Put a person at Discount Tire on south 6th. Lots of people ride up and down the length of south sixth.
Counters will be stationed at 100 different locations throughout the region. Download the map to see where counters are still needed.The map will likely change over the course of the next few days as more counters are added.
Hey Frank, in conjunction with the bike count, we are collecting data for a UA Bike/Ped Study. That is why we have a ton of locations near UA. But you’re right, we could use another location on the south side. Thanks for your comment.