Want to ride to Catalina State Park without worrying about cars?
A newly completed section of the Loop along the Canyon Del Oro wash will allow cyclists to do just that.
The county recently paved the final section between La Cholla Boulevard and La Cañada Drive, which will allow cyclists who are on the Santa Cruz or Rillito River portions of the Loop to ride the park car free.
Check out the Loop map to the all the sections currently completed or in progress.
This is pretty great news. Bike infrastructure keeps improving here, and there’s a huge number of people in Tucson who get out and use these paths. Proof that the river trails are valuable and valued.
Thanks to all who are making this a reality!
Who paid for it? Gas tax pays for highways so who paid for this?
Glad to see this! We love the Loop and ride different sections regularly.
The linked Pima Co. Loop map is kinda worthless. Silverlight – really?!
So do drivers get to ‘share the road’ on this loop? That was always the mantra when drivers had to contend with bikes. Again, who paid for this so bike riders can have their own loop with no cars? I’m betting it did not come from a bike tax.
DCCON fuel excise taxes pay for like 60% of highways. The rest comes out of general funds or property taxes, etc.
DCCON from what I recall, mostly this was stimulus funds. Shovel-ready projects, all that.
It’s worth pointing out that these off-street paths take cyclists off the road so that raging a-holes like yourself aren’t inconvenienced.
Augsburg lol @ silverlight. I would have gladly looked at the map until that little notice popped up.
@ignorant drivers Augsburg same same. seriously, even maps didn’t require browser plugins in 2002.
DCCON gas taxes do NOT cover all expenses incurred in building roads, so other taxes have to chip in: state, county, and federal. So if I don’t own a car and do not drive, MY taxes pay for YOUR roads.
DCCON you don’t ride a bike? So maybe you can start a movement to get the bike paths shut down. What, you don’t read either? Maybe you can start a movement to shut down the public libraries. You don’t have kids in public school? Maybe you can start a movement to shut down public education. You don’t drive or own a car?. Start a movement to shut down road building.
I thought the comments would be along the lines of “I am interested in scheduling and leading a camping bike trip to catalina sp”
I can do this but a co-leader might be nice to have and would be great to get some kiddos involved or signed up