The first Kidical Mass kids bike ride of the year rolls this weekend at noon and is part of the Beyond events.
The ride starts at Armory Park in downtown Tucson at noon and will feature a bike valet in order to participate in the other Beyond events.
Here are the details from the event release:
Start the New Year in a celebration of healthy, active living for the whole family by joining us for community bike ride for riders of all ages and abilities! The beginning of the year is the perfect time to start new habits and engage in a fun, safe activity that is good for the environment too!
Look for LSA Kidical Mass signs at the southwest corner of Armory Park near the intersection with South 6th Avenue at 12 pm. El Grupo youth cycling teammates will lead the riders on a route that is safe, easy and shows how simple it is to get to all your favorite places by riding your bike.
You will be accompanied by trained ride leaders and families from across Tucson on all types of bikes – trailers, trail-a-bikes, Xtracycles, longtails, bakfiets, Long Johns, tandems, folders, trikes – whatever rolls is welcome to join the ride! Dress accordingly to be comfortable outside for at least an hour. If you haven’t ridden your bike in a while, we will have Bicas mechanics on deck to provide free bike repair and make sure your bike is ready to roll! Plus, Isabella’s Ice Cream will be awaiting riders at the end.
Free helmets for youth will be available for those who need them, plus there will also be a free Bike Valet so you can park your bike and join the BEYOND Tucson festivities at Armory Park and the Childrens’ Museum (FREE admission this Saturday!).
Beyond Tucson is a community-wide event dedicated to improving the health and well-being of our community and encourages Arizonans to come together, get outside and be physically active. You can learn more and register at