I woke up on 07/10/2010 to find my 2006 SE Lager single speed missing from my backyard.
My wife’s cruiser was untouched.
The bike has upside down chopped road bars with neon green bar tape. It has a black ritchey stem. The rear wheel has a flip flop hub currently with the freewheel on the chain side of the bicycle. It has a lame Giant Bikes seat that still bares the Giant logo. It has a New Belgium brewery sticker on the head tube.
The bike had a generic gray bell baby seat on it. My two year old cried when she found out “her bike” was stolen.
The bike is unique(hodgepodge) but its all i could afford and was used multiple times a week for commuting and recreation rides with my little girl.
I would like my bike back. If you know anything please email me.
Miket @ 19of19@gmail.com