The Pima Association of Governments is hosting a webinar viewing session at their offices on Wednesday, July 21 at noon.

The webinar, which is being led by the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, will be geared toward transportation planners but may have some interesting details for everyone.

Here are more details from the APBP’s email:

This webinar will be drawn from lessons learned in Portland, Ore., as well as across the nation. Presenters Mia Birk, CEO, Alta Planning + Design, and Greg Raisman, Traffic Safety Specialist, Portland Bureau of Transportation, will describe the current state of the practice and the next big thing—neighborhood greenways, which incorporate the idea of bicycle boulevards with green streets, neighborhood enhancements, and community building; this larger vision can appeal to more people and help with funding.

The webinar will focus on helping practitioners fully optimize existing bicycle boulevards. Attendees will learn about
· route selection
· levels of intervention
· examples of challenges and solutions for a range of design issues
· neighborhood greenway strategies, and
· processes for getting project buy-in and approval

If you are interested in attending the webinar, PAG is asking you RSVP for the event. Contact Ann Chanecka at

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