Post any interesting links in the comment section.
- Photos and notes from the Oregon Handmade Bicycle Show
- Secure gear storage: The next step for bike-friendly businesses?
- On Portland’s Hawthorne Bridge, 20 Percent of Traffic Is Bikes
- The Electric Cargo Single-speed Fatbike
- Pa. shop builds bicycle for man without arms
- Rock, Paper, Scissors for a Citi Bike
- Nearly 70% of voters want protected bike lanes, pedestrian islands
Well, here’s a technical difficulty we don’t have in the Old Pueblo…
The Awkward Ethics of Sharing
The article on the fellow who has no arms doesn’t have a picture of him or his bike. Here’s a video of him going over his story and also showing him on the bike.–ncaab.html
Red Star it’s iterative here, car zooms in front of you on a residential street and takes your slot in the crossing queue. Happens daily. btw rumor has it that we will be getting some sort of bike share soon.
Red Star New Yorkers have evolved a solution to the bike share who gets the lone bike dilemma.