A new bike corral was installed on the south side of University Boulevard late last week. The corral is located slightly west of Park Avenue.
The rack replaces a handicap parking zone, which is being moved according to the City of Tucson’s Bicycle and Pedestrian program’s Facebook page.
Ann Chanecka said she plans to install another corral on the north side of University next to Wilko. A third corral is slated for a spot outside The Food Co-Op on Fourth Avenue.
The new corral has space for 14 bicycles.
I do like the improved accessibility of the new corral at University and Park. The earlier versions of Tucson’s corrals were difficult to access by more “modern” bikes (cargo bikes, heavier city bikes, etc.). Here is a photo of a bike corral in Europe that popped up on my Facebook page from a Dutch bike manufacturer’s Facebook that I liked.
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