With less than a week left before the Cyclovia Tucson’s Kickstarter campaign ends the rides organizers are kicking their efforts into high gear with a rally at Borderlands Brewery on Thursday.
The group is about $1500 shy of their $8,000 funding goal to help put on two rides this April.
Here’s the description from the event on Facebook:
This Thursday, grab a pint, buy a pin, pick up some posters for your office or business, meet some friends, make some new ones and plan and scheme for your best Cyclovia yet!
Sign up to be a SUPER Cyclovia Volunteer (did we mention you get a cape!) or become a Kickstarter Backer – all under the same, friendly roof.
We’ll provide all the stuff – like posters, pins, stickers, fliers and more – just bring yourself and a bunch of friends. We’ll see you there!
The event will be held at Borderlands Brewing Company located at 119 E Toole from 5:30 to 7:30
You can become a backer here or RSVP to the info and rally here.