Editor’s note: Danny Pagano is UA Cycling Club member and helped organize the race, which was held on Saturday at the UA’s Bio Park near Kino Boulevard and 36th Street. More details about the race here. All photos are by Pagano. You can contact him if you want to purchase full resolution photos.
Photos of the UA Bio Park Crit through the lens of a Collegiate cyclist.
Looks like a good flat place for people to ride and train and workout without car interruptions. For now. Where is it, and what are the UA/COT rules and restrictions, if any? This story needs to be developed beyond some race event…
I believe it is at or near the UA Bio Park.
@Red Star It’s just a closed course on Park and 36th. You could head down there any time of day any day of the week to ride. It’s about 2 miles from the University of Arizona.