The Trader Joe’s at Limberlost and Campbell Avenue is in the bike news yet again, however this time I did not have a hand in it.

Someone decided they wanted to make the parking lot a little more friendly to bicyclists and added a ramp from the Rillito River Path to the parking lot.

When the path was originally going in, the county hoped to add their own ramp for cyclists and pedestrians to use. The property’s owner did not not allow it because he didn’t want to lose a parking space and did not want to encourage people to use the parking logt as a stating area for their runs and rides on the path.

The homemade ramp also includes pavement markings welcoming cyclists and trying to prevent cars from parking in the spot.

The parking lot is not owned by Trader Joe’s so it isn’t immediately clear who is responsible for deciding what will happen to the ramp.

Have you ever contemplated DIY bike infrastructure? If so where and what have you dreamed of doing?


16 thoughts on “Photos: DIY Bicycle infrastructure at Trader Joe’s”
  1. This is awesome! My friend and I saw it while walking to Trader Joe’s the other day and were quite impressed. It’s the little things like this that make running errands on bikes more enjoyable.

  2. I’ve already used it twice & I love the ramp! I hope it stays. It is so dangerous to exit out the front. I use a trailer to go to Trader Joes & there is no easy way to get on the path hauling groceries.

  3. I’d like to see bicyclists start wearing big Day-Glo shirts that say “We Are Traffic Too” in big letters. That wouldn’t do a thing to change the infrastructure, but it might cause some of the carheads to think for a moment.

  4. I don’t know how not having a ramp would discourage people from using the lot as a starting point for rides (and especially runs). “Lets not park there, we’ll need to lift our bikes 4 inches to get on the path!”

  5. That’s new! Cool! but I have gone that way before without ramp… just to enter the parking lot and that new DIY is neat and helpful to exit the parking lot instead of going to front then get on path…

  6. THe parking lot Campbell entrance and bike path exit at TJ is a dangerous place. I live nearby and if you attempt to get off the river path eastbound on the south side, you are directed right to the extremely busy and dangerous Campbell enter/exit. And the reverse is also true when attempting to get back on the path. I would much rather go through the TJ parking lot and use this awesome ramp.

    I grew up in Del Mar, Calif and we had to cross the 101 to get to the beach. The crossing light was out of the way, and we got tired of waiting for a break in the traffic. We went down one night and painted our own crosswalk and it worked for a day or two, until the city painted over it with black paint.

  7. BINGO, Cody….It’s the little things like this that make running errands on bikes more enjoyable…..Wake up, city!

  8. Why don’t people just go 30 more feet down the path and enter the parking lot where everybody else has to?

  9. Does DIY reinforce, that is to say, give a lazy “pass” and encourage *worst practices* on the part of city and county bureaucrats (planners, engineers), committees, politicians and developers?

  10. Does DIY reinforce, that is to say, give a lazy “pass” and encourage *worst practices* on the part of city and county bureaucrats (planners, engineers), committees, politicians and developers?

  11. The wheelchair accessible ramp dumps you into the parking lot entrance at Campbell. Try looking over your shoulder for turning traffic in a wheelchair. It’s scary enough on a bike. The issue is not riding an additional 30 feet (more like 200) the issue is really removing bicycles and automobiles from potential conflicts. Just ride over the 4″ curb? Doesn’t work for me, I ride a fixed gear towing a trailer. I’ve stuck a pedal and hung the curb twice now.

    Imagine that the river bike path was a road. Would the cars continue to Campbell then turn right into traffic and right again to get into the TJ’s? Nope there would be a northern entrance.

  12. I think all businesses along the path should have smooth routes onto their property. They don’t seem to be aware that it would increase the number of customers they’d get. With that said, yay for the DIY perp who put in the ramp at TJs! You asked if anyone had done anything similar, I haven’t done anything for bikes, but I did cut a 2 mile long hiking trail 20 years ago. I didn’t ask permission so it was totally illegal. After it was there for a few years, it was seen to be a good addition to the trail system by the powers-that-be and they installed an official sign on it. I laughed like crazy the day I first saw that sign.

  13. Argh! The path I built was 1.25 miles long, not 2 miles. Overstatement for sure! They cut off a half mile of it when they built the resort so it’s about 3/4 a mile now. Just want to set the record straight.

  14. Yep your completely right. Im just shocked, tucson is pretty good about bike infrastructure (Compared to Houston). Its just a poor design and thank you to whoever did this.

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