


The second Cyclovia Tucson of 2013 had a lot of firsts.

It was the first time the organizers have pulled off two events in one year and the first time the event has ventured north of Grant Road.

The out-and-back route was also a first for the organizers and received mostly positive reviews from riders.

Over on our Facebook page, Steve Wilson said he enjoyed the route, “I think the single path is better than a loop, much more social interaction.”

Others thought the route was too narrow along the turns making it a little dangerous with so many people on the route.

As for all those people, official numbers haven’t been tallied, but preliminary counts indicate thousands more people attended Cyclovia II compared to the event earlier this month.

What did you think of the route and the event? Leave a comment below.

In the meantime, check out photos and updates from social media.

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