There is a little back story to these images. I started work on a story about SeeClickFix.com, the website the City of Tucson is using to allow people to report various issues to the city’s maintenance department.
I asked how and why certain things are fixed and others aren’t and asked specifically about this pot hole. I reported it months ago and nothing had happened while another pothole in the opposite bike lane had been repaired.
That was Monday and the fix happened Wednesday morning.
I’m not sure why the crew only patched half of the hole. The part closest to the curb is still there. Maybe this is a temporary fix until they can get a concrete crew out there to replace the section.
I’ll post my story about See Click Fix and what it takes to get projects fixed soon.
Budget cuts? Asphalt is expensive these days.
I hope your upcoming article reports on what information sources the city uses in addition to SeeClickFix.com – for example is the Spot Improvement Request (http://cms3.tucsonaz.gov/bicycle/spot-improvement-request) still being used? What about in-person reports? Is there a different system for city personnel to report?
It seems like one interesting downside to SeeClickFix.com is that (to me) it presents itself as a definitive list of issues/priorities – but I suspect that additional sources like the Spot Improvement Requests and issues brought directly to the attention of City Officials all come together in a way you can not see on SeeClickFix.com? I would be curious to know if your report months ago was actually the first notification to the City about that pothole – I wouldn’t be surprised if it had previously been reported by other means…
Look forward to the SeeClickFix.com post –
My name is Emma, I am a Community Manager at SeeClickFix.com. Thanks so much for this post!
To briefly touch on what Charles has commented, SeeClickFix is used by local municipalities, such as Tucson, for tracking, monitoring and acknowledging issues reported by citizens. Our platform can integrate with a city’s existing CRM system so that issues reported through SeeClickFix will be recorded along with issues reported through other means.
Anyway, thanks so much again for the blog post. We’re looking forward to seeing your follow-up story (as well as seeing a picture of a completely filled pothole!). If you or any of your readers have any questions about SeeClickFix, please shoot me an email at emma @ seeclickfix . com.
Keep SeeClickFixin’!
[…] more about the issue here. AKPC_IDS += "7466,"; Post a comment below or discuss in the Tucson Velo forums May 9, 2011 […]