University of Arizona students and people traveling through the University of Arizona campus are in for a big change.
The City of Tucson turned on a new stoplight at the intersection of Park Avenue and University Boulevard.
The light is part of the Sunlink Streetcar and was added to make the intersection flow better and allow the streetcar to remain on schedule.
The intersection used to be a four-way stop, but a constant flow of pedestrians slowing traffic often backed the intersection up.
After spending a few minutes watching people drive, ride and walk through the intersection, it is clear that it will be a major adjustment.
There were several instances of pedestrians walking into the intersection without looking and without realizing they had a do-not-walk signal.
Several cyclists also ended up halfway through the intersection before realizing there was a stoplight.
It will be interesting to see how students respond to the new light when they return in the fall.
I totally ran this light last night on my bike (no one at all was around) without even realizing it… It clicked that the lights weren’t blinking red, but solid red around the time I hit old main.
It’s back to flashing red, as of Friday afternoon!